You're Débutant, if...
You just took our Intro to French course. Or, you took high school French… but don’t remember much.
You can say “Je m’appelle…”, but that’s about it!
You have no idea when to use le, la, or li (oh wait, we made that last one up).
You’ve spent some time in a French-speaking country but never managed to pick up more than a couple of words.
Or maybe you live or work with a French speaker, and you’re dying to know what they’re saying!
Thursday Mar 06: Lesson 1
Pronunciation rules
Thursday Mar 13: Lesson 2
Regular verbs in –er in the present tense
Thursday Mar 20: Lesson 3
Numbers and how to say the date
Thursday Mar 27: Lesson 4
“To be” and “to have” in the present tense
Thursday Apr 03: Lesson 5
How to say “the, a, this/that, my, your, his/her”
Thursday Apr 10: Lesson 6
Thursday Apr 17: Lesson 7
Thursday Apr 24: Lesson 8
“To make/to do” in the present tense
Thursday May 01: Lesson 9
“To go” in the present tense
Thursday May 08: Lesson 10
The near future