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HOLIDAY BREAK: Product orders placed after 12/18 will be shipped when we return on January 6

HOLIDAY BREAK: Product orders placed after 12/18 will be shipped when we return on January 6

Happy New Year from the Coucou Team!

Happy New Year from the Coucou Team!

Paris for Art Lovers Guide



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SKU: TG_Paris_for_Art_Lovers Category:
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Paris is a feast for the eyes! The 34-page guide includes:

  • museum roundup, from must-sees to hidden gems
  • best galleries and art fairs by discipline
  • art classes and supplies, design stores and auction houses

This guide is part of Coucou’s Paris Guide series, curated by our Paris-born team members to showcase the best of the French capital, including suggestions for day trips outside of the city. Each guide caters to the specific interests of a different traveler profile.