Try out our new Speaking Practice modules to enhance your conversation skills!

Try out our new Speaking Practice modules to enhance your conversation skills!

Group Class Bundle: 5 classes for the price of 4

Group Class Bundle: 5 classes for the price of 4

Bake your own croissant

Saturday, Jul 23 -

With Atelier Sucré

Is there anything better in the morning than fresh, warm croissants? The classic buttery pastry conjures Parisian mornings spent watching people at the corner café with a steaming espresso and a copy of Le Monde. This summer, Coucou is partnering with Atelier Sucré to offer an unforgettable culinary workshop experience. Join us on Saturday, July 23rd at 2:00pm to learn to make your own delicious croissants from one of Atelier Sucré’s professional French chefs! Of course, your Coucou host, Quentin Bruno, will be there to introduce all the relevant expressions and vocab.


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