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Is 2025 your year of French? Trial a class!

Le Petit Coucou Holiday Weekend

Sunday, Dec 12 -


Our French Elf and Santa’s special helper Quentin will be hosting four different virtual workshops throughout the day on Zoom. Each event is curated by age group, so that all kids can enjoy learning about how the French celebrate the holidays!


1pm EST / 10am PST – TODDLERS Holiday sing-along en français

Come with us and learn to sing Vive le Vent (Jingle Bells), Noël Blanc (White Christmas) and French classics like Petit Papa Noël with Quentin! For this online holiday concert, bring instruments, and dress up to get in the holiday spirit!


2pm EST / 11am PST – KIDS 6-7 Write a letter to Santa

We’ll bring French holiday magic straight to your home by crafting a personal letter to Santa en français and singing along to some of our favorite French songs to learn holiday season vocabulary! 


4pm EST / 1pm PST – KIDS 8-10 French Holiday Traditions

What do French kids typically enjoy eating at this time of the year? Do they really eat des escargots (snails)? We’ll also craft a paper snowman (un bonhomme de neige) and learn French holiday vocabulary through videos and songs.


5pm EST / 2pm PST – KIDS 11-13 French Holiday Traditions

Have a smartphone handy to play our interactive game! Get ready to learn about real French holiday feasts: le foie gras, la dinde aux marrons, la bûche while playing an interactive game that will unlock loads of French holiday fun. 


Sunday 12/13 : FRENCH PARENTING 

2 to 4pm EST – 11am to 1pm PST

Many American parents are curious about certain aspects of the French parenting style – a style that emphasizes good manners and respect for adult time. 

Led by Julie Molas, a Coucou teacher and French mother living in New York, this workshop will examine the French approach to raising children and demystify the French mother trope. Since there is no one “right way” to parent, attendees will be encouraged to share personal experiences. The workshop is open to all, parents or not!


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